Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4
Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4

yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4

Yugi and pals finally leave the nerd convention to do something fulfilling: tripping balls and hallucinating of an Ancient Egypt with card games. The tournament gets completely dominated by a pink haired brony who eventually gets his ass kicked by Kaiba. Season 5: Kaiba hosts another gay tournament, this time Yami doesn't participate for the winner gets to have a three way with him. Of course everyone can just easily ignore those people as they don't physically force any harm on them, but no, the protagonists just have to duel them cause OH NOEZ THEY STOLE THE GOD CARDS!!!!!!1111111111 The season is about a couple of fags (one of them being mai big boobs who joins their brony club cause boo hoo she sucks at dueling) dueling other people to kill/steal people's souls.

yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4

Season 4: Only season worth watching, as it's the only season 4Jews didn't completely fuck up. The rest of the season continues Kaiba's shitty tournament. They obviously escape as without those fags there wouldn't be more Yu-Gi-Oh!. Season 3: Some green-haired dead kid traps them in a digital world or something. Season 2: Wanting to prove finally how big his cock is, Seto Kaiba challenges the whole fucking world and Yugi to attend his card game tournament. Ironically, being stuck in the Shadow Realm (getting raped by Niggers with AIDS forever) was created by 4Kids as a more forgiving alternative to just dying. Seto Kaiba also joins in to save his brother from the child labor exploiting clutches of Maximillion Pegasus, who is about to send him to the Shadow Realm. Yugi fights Pegasus for his Grandpa's freedom. Shit hits the fan when Yugi's grandpa is caught looking at child porn by Pegasus and his soul gets trapped in a card. All of them love Yugi's heart of the cards and his throbbing man-meat. They are known as Tea Gardner, Joey Wheeler, and Tristan Taylor. Yugi has a girlfriend and two boyfriends, who hang around him simply because he's good in the sack. Season 1: Yugi Mutou a high school student that still hasn't hit puberty living with his Pedo Grandpa who runs a game shop. The manga was so violent that even Japan had to tone it down, which says a lot considering what usually flies there.


It showed how Yugi solved the Millennium Puzzle, became possessed by Yami Atem, forced a guy to shoot and kill himself, chopped off a watch collector's hand, set a guy on fire, and tricked a serial bomber into blowing himself up. Season 0: Little is known about the real first season of Yu-Gi-Oh! because the poofters in the English speaking world considered it too violent.

Yu gi oh gx dubbed season 4